CIPL has awarded five PhD students a travel grant for an international conference presentation. In this round, almost 20 applications were submitted, all of which were of very high quality. The number is undoubtedly so high because many congresses have been postponed or held digitally during the Covid19 lockdown.
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Felix Ameka: first holder of the CIPL chair at Leiden University
Friday 30 September, Prof. Dr. Felix Ameka accepted a chair, initiated by CIPL and CIPSH, by delivering his inaugural lecture ‘Turning the tide from language endangerment to ethnolinguistic vitality’.
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Advanced students in linguistics without a PhD are eligible to receive a one-time grant to help fund their participation in a linguistics conference. Read the procedure here
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With the deepest sadness, we must share the news of the death of prof. Manuel Leonetti at the age of 62. Manuel was professor of Spanish Linguistics at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Manuel represented the Sociedad Española de Lingüística in the general Assembly of CIPL for many years.
Read moreTravel Grants Spring/Summer 2022
CIPL has awarded eight PhD students a travel grant for an international conference presentation.
Normally, CIPL awards three grants in an application round, but due to the exceptional circumstances and the very high level of the submitted proposals, CIPL has been able to find resources to award eight grants.