The Linguistic Association of Nigeria (LAN) was founded in 1980. The Association has over 500 members. Apart from other goals, it was formed primarily in order to:
- provide a foundation for the study of Nigerian languages;
- provide a forum for sharing ideas on the scholarly study of these languages and their literatures with a view to developing them;
- initiate, encourage and support scholarly research in this field for scientific purposes and advice of the government;
- establish and publish regularly learned journals;
- cooperate with other associations or bodies that have similar goals.
LAN regulates activities relating to the languages of Nigeria. It collaborates with other government and non-governmental agencies to carry out several development and advocacy campaigns to promote Nigerian languages and cultures. It is also concerned with the linguistic situation in Nigeria and has tried over the years to find solutions to some of Nigeria’s linguistic challenges. Apart from other goals, it was formed primarily to provide a foundation for the study and development of Nigerian languages and to co-operate with other associations or bodies that have similar goals. LAN provides a foundation for the study of Nigerian languages and fora for sharing ideas on the scholarly study of these languages and their literatures with a view to developing them. LAN initiates, encourages, and supports scholarly research in this field for scientific purposes and advice of the government.
The membership of LAN is drawn mostly from the departments of linguistics in universities across the country and abroad.
The Association meets annually to share reports, publications, and other activities to advance its cause at the Conference of the Linguistic Association of Nigeria (CLAN). The 2021 Conference of the Linguistic Association of Nigeria (CLAN) was a joint conference with the West African Languages Congress (WALC). It took place at the Lagos State University, Lagos, from the 15th to 20th August 2021. The theme of the conference was “Language, Literatures and the Challenges of Instability and Corruption in West Africa”, and it drew participants from all over Africa and beyond. A new EXCO was elected at the LAN Annual General Meeting to pilot the affairs of the association for the next two years. The new team is made up of:
President: Professor Imelda Udoh, University of Uyo, Uyo
Vice President: Professor Gideon Omachonu, Nassarawa State University, Keffi
Secretary: Professor Gregory Obiamalu, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
Treasurer: Dr. Abdulmalik Nuhu, University of Abuja
Ex Officio: Professor Harrison Adeniyi, Lagos State University, Lagos
The Journal of the Linguistic Association of Nigeria (JOLAN), the Association’s journal, and other scholarly language-related works are also published annually and circulated at the conference.
The Association celebrates its members annually through the publication of festschrifts in their honour. Recently, LAN joined the Nigerian Academy of Letters (LAN) to celebrate Professor Emeritus Ayo Bamgbose, the Doyen of African Linguistics, the first Nigerian and African Professor of Linguistics, the renowned scholar, teacher of teachers, and relentless advocate for the empowerment of African languages, who clocked the landmark age of 90 years on the 27th of January 2022. Professor Emeritus Bamgbose has received recognition for his contributions in the field of linguistics, as well as honours and elections to high offices in professional bodies. Indeed, he was the Foundation President and Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Letters (1998-2000).

The Nigerian Academy of Letters (NAL), in collaboration with the Department of Linguistics and African Languages, University of Ibadan, organised a 3-day programme to celebrate this Legend of Linguistics and African languages. The activities lined up are in tandem with Professor Bamgbose’s academic interests and included a 1-day Capacity Building Workshop, a Mini-Conference, and a day of Tributes. Professor Emeritus Ayo Bamgbose represented LAN on the CIPL Board for several years.
The current focus of LAN is in the following areas, bordering on capacity building, advocacy, partnerships and collaborations:
- An annual Language Documentation Institute (LDI) for the training of younger colleagues and other stakeholders in the documentation of Nigerian languages.
- Partnership with NERDC and the Federal Ministry of Education on the development of National Language Policy for Nigeria, which has been proposed and is being processed through the government agencies for approval.
- Partner with NERDC on the overhauling of the Meta-language in the three major Nigerian languages and this will also serve as a stepping-stone to the development of meta-language of the other Nigerian languages.
- Continued collaborations with the Ministries of Education, Information, NERDC, NICO, CBAAC and other non-Governmental organizations like UNESCO, etc. on issues bordering on the development and sustenance of Nigerian languages.