In 2021, the Linguistic Bibliography Online (LBO) database continued to grow steadily and the Linguistic Bibliography yearbook for 2020 was published on schedule in September. With 78% of the bibliographical entries describing publications from 2020, this yearbook was more up to date with recent publications than previous volumes. The retro-digitization of older yearbooks was well underway and the first set of bibliographical records was prepared for online open access publication.
22,959 bibliographical records were added to the online database, 68 new journals were added to the list of periodicals and a total of 171 new language keywords and 56 new subject keywords were implemented.
The LB print volume for 2020 was published on schedule. By way of experiment, the editors adoped a new policy of only including bibliographical references of publications from 2020 in the yearbook for 2020, while older references would appear only on LBO.
Also for the LB yearbook for 2021, which is planned for September 2022, the focus continues to be on collecting recent publications from 2021.
Retro-digitization: thirteen yearbooks from the period 1976-1992 were scanned and Brill is working on the conversion of bibliographical entries into individual records that will be imported in the LB database, where they can be checked and edited.
The editorial team is always on the lookout for contributors, particularly for experts in Ancient Egyptian and Coptic, Armenian, Baltic, Belarusian, Hindi and P-Celtic (Welsh, Breton, Cornish). Potential contributors may be referred to for more information.